Ms Meriana Ang

Ms Meriana Ang

Corporate Advisory

Professional Experience

Meriana has a total of 11 years of experience with Nexia TS. She has been involved in providing assurance services for public listed companies, multinational corporations and small and medium enterprises. These companies cover a wide spectrum of industries including construction and real estate development, oil and gas exploration, manufacturing, shipping, trading, retailing, service providers and non-profit organisations. Her audit clients include public listed companies with operations overseas, such as Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

Meriana has also been involved in Initial Public Offering (IPO) and Reverse Takeover (RTO) projects where the firm functions as reporting accountants, accounting advisory jobs for IFRS conversion and due diligence reviews for clients making significant investment acquisitions.


  • Completion of examinations of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK
  • Member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants

DID: +65.6597 7298